Adding to that, losses of jewelry items through theft and misplacements cost jewelry companies thousands and more a year. At the time of this writing, rising precious metal prices have further placed pressures on jewelry business owners to find new ways to manage mounting costs. Little wonder why most jewelry business owners enquiring about implementing RFID, asked how the technology would helped them improve the security situation with their precious metal wares.
RFID technology offers unique possibilities to the challenges facing the
jewelry industry. Being capable of handling simultaneous multi-scan
capabilities means jewelers will not be manually accounting for each jewelry
item one piece at a time. With RFID in place, jewelry can scan, detect batches
of jewelry items all at once. The convenience the technology offers also
implies the feasibility of running near real-time monitoring of jewelry goods
everyday of the week, thereby heightening security throughout.
RFID coupled with powerful jewelry software solutions, promises to slash
operating costs of jewelry business through canceling "waste" from
theft and loss. Furthermore a well designed RFID jewelry solution opens new
opportunities into gathering customer trending for a jewelry retail business.
With such real time data, the jewelry business owner can
"adjustments" to his retail space and be rewarded with improved
A jewelry company faces a tremendous task of maintaining, and accounting for
tens of thousands of jewelry items in a single store.
horten Jewelry Inventory Cycle
Heighten Security.
Jewelry Business Intelligence.
Handheld RFID Jewelry Solution
Using the handheld RFID Jewelry Solution, a jewelry inventory PDA application
loaded will be used together with a RFID CF Reader. Alternatively, a specially
customized antenna (as shown in the picture below) is used. When the PDA RFID
or Handheld RFID is in proximity (waved) to the tagged jewellery items, the
information of the jewellery pieces inside the display is automatically
detected. Unlike barcode technology, RFID does not require "line of
sight" thus close proximity is sufficient to activate detection.
Good news:Our company and cartier
came to an agreement, conclude and sign an order that our company as a
long-term supplier of printing jewelry rfid tag.