RFID Asset Management Reduces Harvard Medical School's Asset Inventory Time By 75%
Harvard Medical School (HMS) reported that since the launch of the RFID solution to manage its 4,300 assets, the college’s asset inventory time has been reduced by 75%, while at the same time it has more visibility into the location of high-value assets and ensures They can be easily found during government audits.
Harvard Medical School has approximately 4,300 high-value assets in its 15,000 fixed assets, including servers, incubators, medical freezers, centrifuges, microscopes for DNA research, and thermal cyclers.
The benefits of RFID management include more accurate and efficient asset inventory, which means that ROM and asset managers do not have to interrupt their asset research when they carry out an inventory with them. The actual asset inventory process is also less destructive than manual. Another benefit is the ability to use the reader to search for RFID tags in Geiger counter mode to locate lost assets.
In addition to Harvard Medical School (HMS), RFID systems are currently implemented or put into use in Harvard University’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS), School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), and Wyss Institute (Wyss Institute). According to Diqiaggio, Wyss has completed the RFID tagging of all old assets, while FAS and SEAS are now tagging approximately 8,000 assets. The four colleges have a total of about 100 buildings, and each building contains assets.
If you also want RFID management assets, we provide you with an RFID solution that suits you. Please contact us: info@nfctagfactory.com