Do You Know How RFID Wristbands Are Used When Swimming?
RFID silicone wristbands can help swimmers track data, and swimmers will soon be able to use RFID silicone wristbands to set up personal training regimes and monitor their performance in the pool. We have set up 5 swimming centers that will pilot the use of wristbands, including a mobile app and dedicated swimming lanes connected to LCD monitors.
Swimmers can get an RFID silicone wristband from their swim center and download an app. Swimmers go into the app to set up a swim plan, including the length they want to complete, the number of times they want to complete, and the time they want to complete it.
Swimmers enter the pool, touch the rfid wristband with the information kiosk by the pool, and the swimmer will be guided to the designated swimming lane. Once in the water, dedicated channels track various stats about the players.
Our company's RFID silicone wristband is equipped with RFID silicone wristband tags containing various chips such as NTAG203, and the application can read the UID of the tag. We use RFID Silicone Wristband UID to allow swimmers to effectively connect to the app.
Swimmers get wristbands from the club, and before entering the pool, they need to connect their RFID silicone wristband wristbands with the poolside information terminal - a tablet computer.
The terminal gives the lane number of the swimmer's pool. The swimmer enters the correct lane and touches the poolside reader to start swimming. A dedicated swimming lane acts as a detector connected to an LCD monitor on the pool wall, which records the swimmer's speed and progress.
The LCD will act as a timer to display the swimmer's laps and other information about the swimmer.
RFID wristbands are now used in a variety of industries. RFID/NFC Silicone Wristbands are suitable for social media sharing, beaches, swimming pools, water parks, spas, gyms, sports clubs and any other RFID access control applications that require a waterproof NFC wristband.
To purchase RFID wristbands, please contact us by email: